Thursday, August 28, 2014

IMF: Inclusive capitalism and financial integrity

Christine Lagarde (Managing Director, IMF) gave an insightful speech in May on the topic of economic inclusion and financial integrity. One of the interesting themes highlighted was that inequality is not a trade-off for better economic performance - indeed, IMF research indicates that the right redistributive policies actually lead to better performing economies. Furthermore, Lagarde focusses on the need to ingrain a greater social consciousness in the financial sector, so as to re-engender trust in the system.

IMF: Redistribution, Inequality and Growth

In a staff paper published in February, the IMF examines the links between rising inequality and the fragility of economic growth. They note that conventional wisdom would suggest that redistribution would in itself be bad for growth but, conceivably, by engendering greater equality, might help growth.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

OECD predicts: No Malthusian food security crisis anytime soon

Good news it seems! The OECD doesn’t expect a Malthusian food crisis to materialise any time soon. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Agriculture Minister foreshadows a return to sensible agriculture policy rhetoric?

Minister for Agriculture, Barnaby Joyce MP, has demonstrated a sense of proportion in respect of Australia's place in the global food market, in contrast to many politicians and industry leaders or lobbyists. Speaking at the Farm Writer's Association of NSW on 25 July and again today on Sky News, the Agriculture Minister stated that “We’re not going to be the food basket of Asia. We’ve got to dispense with that rhetoric. It’s ridiculous."